Saturday, September 15, 2012

And There's No Silence in the Night

Camera Critters
Red Skelton, a famous comedian from days past wrote and performed an essay about frogs. It was called "And There's No Silence in the Night"
Can't see a frog now without thinking of that!
These frogs were residents of a pond at Campbell Lake Park in Aldergrove.

A little light on the subject!
I have tryed every which way to add Red Skelton's video for you to watch here, but for some reason my computer is jerking me around so here is the URL for you if you want to see it. It will bring a smile to your day!


Nancy said...

I love the sound they make in the early evening. Wonderful captures. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots!

JennyC said...

We have frogs in our pond and I enjoy listening to them. I've never been able to photograph them though.

Black Fox Homestead

Pia said...

They can really be very lound! Nice photos!