Friday, October 19, 2012

Reflection on Reflections

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Bridge reflected in the water below.
Halloween is coming when all kinds of creepy faces will be out and about.
Can you see the three creepy faces in the water reflection below??


Marleen said...

Great photo's, and o yes there's lots to imagine there..

AmitAag said...

Very interesting reflections in B&W!

Nefertiti said...

j aime bcp la deuxieme ;o)

HansHB said...

Great composition, lovely reflections!
A very good B&W post!

'Tsuki said...

Black and white was the best choice to enhace this point of view ; very nice.

Dragonstar said...

Great shapes in the first photo. The water looks so dark!

I'm sorry to have been so long visiting - a bad weekend.

Taken For Granted said...

Great bridge patterns which get reflected in the water.